Satpuli is main education center for all connected village. It is a fast growing center as a Education Hub. There are many Colleges and schools for the primary and higher education / technical education.

Main Education centres / schools are:

1. Government  Degree College , Satpuli

2. Government Polytechnic Institute, Satpuli

3. Janta Inter College, Satpuli

4. Saraswati Vidhya Mandir, Satpuli

5. Shubhash Uniyal Saraswati Shishu Mandir, Satpuli

6. Kanya Vidhalaya, Satpuli

7. Divyansh Institute of Information Technology, Satpuli

8. Gyandeep Children Academy, Satpuli

9. Green Land Public School, Satpuli

10. Hans Sunrise Children Academy, Satpuli (

11. Nehru Mountainsary School, Satpuli

12. Government Primary School, Satpuli

13. SRIVERM Public School, Khairasain, Satpuli


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